The mission of the “Sandwich Generation Experts” is to teach financial literacy, advocate for the importance of educating and protecting everyone in the sandwich generation so that we can help build legacies, grow our economy, lessen the impact on government sponsored programs, create independence and financial freedom and build generational wealth.

As an active member of her community, Gilda has a passion to teach entrepreneurship and help small business owners achieve their goals of financial freedom.  The financial industry is one that is that is still underserved among women and multicultural communities. 

Life & Health Insurance

While Gilda has her life, health and accident insurance license, she does not focus on the health insurance and has built relationships with experts who are well-versed in this area.  If you are finding yourself in a place where you need health insurance and/or have moved, gotten married, had a kid, or had some change in your financial situation, feel free to reach out and we are happy to give you a trust introduction and referral. 

Gilda is a life insurance broker, which means she represents multiple major A rated life insurance companies such as AIG, American National Insurance Company, National Life Group, Allianz, John Hancock, Mutual of Omaha, Columbus Life, Lincoln Financial, Silac, National Western Life, Fidelity & Guaranty and more.  We represent 20 companies and thus we are referred to as a Non-Captive company.  We are not incentivized to promote one company over another.  The myriad of options is so we can compete with our competition and be able to offer more options to the families we serve.

When we sit with families to do their financial analysis we can bring a sleuth of companies and resources to them – we are NOT “A ONE SIZE FITS ALL” Company.  We strive to bring the best partners in the industry in helping provide solutions for the families we serve.

Long Term Care

According to – LTC is a range of services and supports you may need at some point in your life for personal care needs – most LTC is not medical care but refers to the day to day  Activities of Daily Living (ADL’S) such as bathing, dressing, toileting, grooming, transferring in and out of bed/chair, and incontinence

We can help you prepare for these needs not when it’s too late and too expensive but at an earlier date when it is affordable and you can have a myriad of options

It’s never too soon to plan!

Today’s realities as we live longer:

  • 6 in 10 adults in America will have a chronic disease
  • Chronic diseases are responsible for  7 out of 10 deaths
  • Chronic diseases are the #1 reason for bankruptcy
  • Patients with chronic diseases account for 90% of the nations $3.3 trillion health care spending
  • 69% of people over 90 or more have a disability
  • Between ages 40-50 there is a 8% chance of needing LTC
  • The older you are the more likely you will need LTC –  Planning for LTC can be less expensive at a younger age 
  • Women outlive men by about 5 years and more likely to live at home when they get older
  • Having an accident or chronic illness can cause a disability is another reason for needing LTC
  • Chronic conditions such as diabetes, HBP and heart issues are more likely to lead to needing LTC
  • Family history of chronic conditions makes the need greater
  • Living alone will make you more likely candidate for needing LTC 

College Planning

Today as I am paying back on my son’s 4 year tuition of $120K for 4 years and dorm living, I ponder why I did not start a College plan when he was born.  I know we thought about it but I don’t believe we sat with anyone to take the thought from our mind to action.  We just knew that it would be one more expense and at the time raising a family on one income was already stressful. So, we just pushed it aside, before we knew it our son was 18 and had been accepted at several 4 year universities.  We were thankful he stayed in state and attended UCSB.  Now a gaucho, I wish we had set up a college fund.

There are many ways to set up a college fund.  The most important thing is to find out the myriad of options and ask family to help fund it – as opposed to having them give gifts that are going to end up in the waste basket.  College 529 plans, Cash value building life insurance plans and good old savings accounts. 


1812 was the first-time annuities were offered to the public by the Pennsylvania Company for the Granting of Annuities. In 1905 Andrew Carnegie founded the Teachers Pension Fund, which in 1918 became the Teacher’s Insurance Annuity Association (now known as TIAA-CREF). In 1952 TIAA-CREF introduced the first variable annuity.

An annuity is a contract between you and the insurance company.  It is a vehicle like a pension or social security that you can save into with conservative growth will potentially give you a lifetime of income never to run out (even if the funds are exhausted) the insurance company will give you the payout you expect in retirement for as long as you are alive. 

An annuity is the ROOF over the HOUSE while life insurance is the HOUSE.  Every family needs both life insurance and an annuity. 


We specialize in fixed and indexed equity annuities.  Most of the life insurance companies we represent have both a life insurance and annuity portfolio.  Some of the biggest in the annuity space are Fidelity & Guaranty, National Western Life, Silac and Allianz.

Foreign Retirement

Have you thought of retiring somewhere different than where you raised your family and lived? Do you dream of spending your aging years in the Riviera or in Bora Bora?  If that’s you or you want it to be you, we can help you achieve those goals.

The key is planning early and being open to saving part of your income into multiple vehicles that give you the various features common in all investments – the name of the game is diversification!

How can you diversify your financial portfolio? Every financial vehicle has 5 features:  Liquidity or Access, Rate of Return, Safety, Taxes and Fees.


Medicare is health insurance for people 65 or older. You’re first eligible to sign up for Medicare 3 months before you turn 65. You may be eligible to get Medicare earlier if you have a disability, End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), or ALS (also called Lou Gehrig’s disease).


From Jan 1 – March 31, if you’re in a Medicare Advantage Plan, you can switch plans or return to Original Medicare and join a separate Medicare drug plan.


NEW! Medicare Part D insulin coverage changes

Starting January 1, 2023, plans can’t charge you more than $35 for a one-month supply of each Medicare Part D-covered insulin you take, and can’t charge you a deductible for insulin.

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